The tech circle is responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining the technical infrastructure of XR NL. This infrastructure greatly contributes to the decentralization impact, online visibility and security of XR NL. The tech circle also assists other circles and members of XR NL by answering technical questions and sharing advice on the most secure and effective software applications.
The Tech circle has three main accountabilities: Software applications, Privacy&Security, Technical Support.
The tech circle is responsible for ensuring the reliable functioning of the following software:
The tech circle is also responsible for improving this software in order to meet the needs of XR NL.
The tech circle is not responsible for maintaining and/or improving software provided through domains, such as Mattermost, Big Blue Button or Jitsi.
If XR NL faces a problem which could be solved by software but which isn’t solved by software recommended by the tech circle, then the tech circle will research and implement an alternative software solution. Whenever possible, the tech circle will always prioritize using existing software over developing new software, because developing new software can take up a drastic amount of resources. The tech circle will also prioritize open source software over corporate software, because open source software is (usually) cheaper, more ethical, has better privacy, and lies closer to our principles and values.
The circle focuses its efforts to protect privacy and ensure security of all XR NL members through digital means. The circle deliberately decides in favor of these principles when fulfilling its tasks. In order to promote digital security, the tech circle shares information and education material on this topic.
The tech circle supports the movement by:
The tech circle takes full ownership and authority regarding decisions on technology for the systems provided by the national tech circle. Ownership is not automatically transferred to the content of such systems.
The tech circle proactively minimizes redundant work by collaborating with the global tech support team.
The tech circle also withholds the right to veto a digital platform for specific, especially high risk actions, in order to protect the movement and its members. E.g. using the Facebook messenger to discuss an sensitive action plan.
Below is an overview of all roles within the tech circle.
Policy: Designated role. 1 person. Rotating every 6 months.
Policy: Designated role. 1 person. Rotating every 6 months.
Policy: Designated role. At least 1 person within the circle.
Policy: Rotating role. 1 person per meeting. Role assignment does not overlap with Coordinator.
Policy: Designated role. At least 1 person within the circle.
Policy: Designated role. At least 1 person within the circle.
The following policies are in place in regards to other circles within XR.
The tech circle will involve other circles or groups:
The tech circle relies on other circles or groups:
The recurrent costs of the tech circle are:
NB. EspoCRM Advanced pack is put in “maintenance mode” and no recurring costs will be paid for the license. However, when a renewal would be necessary this would cost around €450.
The tech circle endeavors to save money and selects open and free software from green and “non-evil" organizations in favor of paid licenses where sensible.
Every six months the circle will evaluate the mandate with all stakeholders that actively want to participate. An invitation will be shared in the active communication channel. (Tech channel on Mattermost by time of writing)
The tech circle compares its active tasks with the tasks defined within the mandate and takes action if they diverge. The evaluation considers external and internal feedback as well as overall effectiveness and efficiency of the circle.
Changes made to the mandate must be approved by the coordination circle.
The following circles are not directly linked with Tech, but a close-knit cooperation is maintained.
Linked circles have a mandate that is closely related to the Tech circle. Linked circles have their own mandate, which in theory should not overlap with the Tech Circle mandate, but currently do overlap. We are chill rebels so we're cool with this status quo.
When decisions are made in a linked circle, the Tech circle is informed of these decisions. And vice versa. In practice the circles inform each other in the Tech circle meeting.
Linked circles are:
Every sub-circle has its own mandate, which is a subset of the Tech Circle mandate. Officially some sub-circles do not have their own mandate and are acting on trust within the Tech circle.
The current sub-circles are: